Benefits of Aromatherapy in the Case of Certain Diseases

Aromatherapy can help relax their stress and help handle the mental and physical disorders dementia sufferers. Therapy that uses extracts of flowers, herbs, and trees, according to researchers from the UK, can alleviate sleep disturbances and anxiety commonly experienced by patients of Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia.

A study that lasted for 4 weeks to see the effects of aromatherapy on elderly dementia patients found that about 1 / 3 of patients experienced reduction in anxiety symptoms when rubbed with lemon balm. When using sunflower oil with no aroma, only 1 of 10 patients who experienced improvement.

Patients are being exposed to lemon balm also increasing significantly the quality of life, including the reduction of withdrawal from social interaction and increase in activities that are built, said study leader Clive Ballard, from the University of Newcastle, was quoted as saying women fitness site.
Study the frequency of brain wave study also found a similar thing. A study in this field indicates that the scent of lavender increases alpha waves in the back of the head, which serves to bring a feeling relaxed. The smell of jasmine increases beta waves in the front of the head, which is associated with increased vigilance.

Each type of essential oil contains about 100 chemical components, which work together to produce a strong effect on the body. Each type of oil works differently, depending on the dominant component. For example, some types of oils are soothing, others make you relax, relieve some pain, and so on.

Essential oils stimulate the olfactory power. You smell that smell has revealed a significant effect on your feelings. And the doctors have found patients who lost most of olfactory experience more psychological disorders such as anxiety and depression. Perfumery believed to enter through cilia (fine hair on the nose lining) to the limbic system (part of the brain that controls mood, emotions, and our learning abilities).

This oil does not leave the remaining hazardous materials. Oil enters the body through absorption or through breathing.

If you do not want to buy essential oils, one by one, you can buy products that have been mixed, or use the body products have essential oils.

Several types of oil believed to be risky during pregnancy. Therefore, if you are pregnant, be sure to consult a doctor or therapist before using.

Do not try to cure disease with aromatherapy oils, always consult a doctor.

Do not apply oil that has not been diluted to the skin. Oil is not diluted too strong and can trigger inflammation. Lavender is the only exception, which can be applied directly to the skin area to cope with insect bites and stings. Other types of essential oils should be mixed with carrier oil (carrier oil).

Avoid rubbing the oil into the cracked areas of skin, inflamed skin or just scratched.

When using aromatherapy, close the door of the room to prevent the flight of smell.
To obtain a direct result of aromatherapy, try inhaling steam. Add 4 drops of essential oil of your choice into a bowl of hot water, you lean toward the bowl and cover the head with a towel. Pull a deep breath for 5 minutes.

Do not forget to bring tissues that have been dropped with your favorite oil. That way, you can breathe it every time you want. In addition, you also can shed chamomile or lavender oil on the pillow to help you sleep more soundly.

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