How to Prevent Hepatitis C Disease

Ways the most efficient distribution of hepatitis C is through injection of contaminated by hepatitis C virus, and therefore as injecting drug use, needle and syringe before use must be sterilized thus stopping the spread of hepatitis C among injecting drug users.

Although the risk of transmission through sexual relations small, you should run a safe sex life. Hepatitis C patients who have more than one partner or in connection with the crowd to protect themselves (eg condoms) to prevent the spread of Hepatitis C.

Never share equipment such as needles, razors, toothbrushes, and nail clippers, which can be a potential spread of the virus hepatitis C. When doing a manicure, tattoo and body piercing be sure to use sterile equipment and the official business.
People who are exposed to blood on the job, such as health workers, laboratory technicians, dentists, surgeons, nurses, emergency room workers, police, firefighters, paramedics, soldiers or anyone else who lives with an infected person, should be very careful not to exposed to contaminated blood.

Also included using sharp tools and needles properly, washing hands regularly and wear gloves at work. If you've been injured due to the needle, you have to do a test Elisa or HCV RNA after 4-6 months to make sure the wound is not infected with hepatitis C.

Never recovered from hepatitis one does not prevent transmission of hepatitis others. People who suffer from hepatitis C and hepatitis A have the high risk of fulminant hepatitis disease, a fatal liver disease and development is very fast.

Thus, health experts strongly recommend that people with hepatitis C also did vaccination Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B.

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