The accurate methods to combat Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever scourge are avoiding mosquito bite and fight against the mosquito nest. Because the mosquito spreader of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) be present our around, then the active mosquito nest fighting must be enforced by community by watching the cleaning house and environment continuously. DHF be spread pass through of mosquito bite of Aedes Aegypti and or Aedes Albopictus. These mosquitoes bite at daylight by increasing bite activity two hours after sunrise and some hours before sunset. DHF is not spread directly from person to person.

After a people is bitten by Aedes Aegypti or Aedes Albopictus mosquito approximately 3-14 days later (generally 4-7 days) a people will indicate the symptoms or signs of DHF like as: Fever with body temperature more than 38 degree Celsius, Weakness, Appear red spot on the body, Nervous, feeling cool on end of hand and foot, Stomach-ache and vomiting, Its can be followed by bleeding like nose bleeding and bowel bleeding, and Thrombocytopenia.

To help a person who already indicate the symptom of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever disease can be did the action like: please give drinks cooked waters (tea or fruit) more and more, cooling compress on the body of sufferer, and please give medicine to decease hot of body and if a sufferer has convulsion history give anti convulsion medicine too.

Until at this time, there is not medicine or vaccine to prevent DHF yet. The potent methods to prevent this disease are avoiding mosquito bite and mosquito nest fighting. Mosquito nest fighting can be enforced to break reproduction chain of Aedes mosquito by some actions: Cleaning the water reservoir and place where the waters is filled minimal once a week like bath container, large water jar, flower vase, bird beverage place, and others. For big container by sow with abate powders; Dense cover all places where can intercept and retain falling rain water; graving ex-things like as: ex-ban, bottle ex-beverage, plastic that can intercept and retain falling rain water; plus other methods like substitution the water of flower vase once a week, repairing the water flow and gutter those have damaged, covering holes on a cut of bamboo / wood by earth.

Better preventive than curative of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever, by control of mosquito spreader.

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